Friday, 2 January 2015

Haircare Routine

    Heyyyy guys,

I will be doing one post everyday for this week only, just so that I feel like I have gotten to know the website and how everything works and all...kind of like that feeling you get when you start a new school, you are nervous and get lost on the first day, but by the end of the week you start to really get to know the school, and feel like you belong there.

Anyways....Today I'm going to share my daily haircare shower routine with you..well I say daily, I actually wash my hair every 3 days.  :)

Okay so I shower at night because I think that it saves so much more time in the morning as you are not in a rush to blow dry your hair, which is a nightmare in my house as my siblings always use the good hairdryer...

The first thing I do in the shower is rinse my hair with water as everyone else on this planet does... and I massage my scalp with  Loreal Elvive Fibrology Thickening Shampoo.

I'm gonna let you in on a secret..I bleached my hair so it's gone incredibly thin and this shampoo really does help!

 Oh, and I don't use shampoos/conditioners for coloured hair...cos Ima rebel.. ;)

After I have rinsed out the shampoo...I squeeze most of the water out from my hair and I apply the Loreal Elvive Fibrology Thickening Conditioner to the ends.

Once a week I also use the Loreal Elvive Fibrology Thickening Masque in the shower for an extra boost.

Once I get out the shower I give my hair a quick brush with my Lee Stafford De-Stress The Mess Comb and put it up into a ponytail for a bit.
I then take out the ponytail and apply my VO5 High Definition Curl Mousse to the lengths and ends of my hair and then I gather it up and either put it into one braid or two to get beautiful mermaid-style waves in the morning.

This is after ONE braid :)

Have a great day!

AnonScooper <3

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Say goodbye to Candy Canes and hello to school pains...

Okay so this is not what you want to hear whilst you're enjoying the holidays, but....winter break is almost over (well for me at least!) CUE SAD FACE

I think the holidays have gone by so quick, do you? At the moment I'll admit I've reached that time where you've been off for so long you just completely lose track of what day it is...seriously when I woke up this morning and my phone said it was Thursday I was so confused cause last time I checked it was Sunday.... - That just made me realise it's been a WHOLE WEEK since Christmas!! What?!?!?!

Anyway, this post is about going back to school, the expectations...

We all know the stress a teenage girl goes through the night before and morning of the first day back of school. Hair, makeup, outfit....Also that last minute homework you completely forgot you were given before school ended... :/ I'm guilty of doing my last minute homework right before class starts pretty much every Monday morning though...oops? 

To start this, I'm going to go through the expectations of a girl at school from BOYS and teachers. 

1. Boys expect you to look AMAZING at school every morning, which is pretty much impossible if you wear an ugly uniform like me...

2. Boys want you to wear makeup, but not too much so that it's noticeable... What is with that? I put on some makeup and it's not enough to conceal my spots but then I plaster on whole load of it and you say its too much???

3. Teachers at my school, not sure about yours, do not allow makeup and expect you to have a natural looking face WHICH MAY I SAY IS IMPOSSIBLE ON A MONDAY MORNING AFTER YOU WISH YOU WOULD HAVE GONE TO BED EARLIER WHEN YOU WERE STALKING THAT INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT TILL LATE...

4. Teachers expect us to be fully awake first period. This one is pretty self explanatory. It's not possible. Our brains don't fully start functioning until about 10am so teachers, take note! If we are tired during first period it's not our fault...every other teenager in the world is too at this hour!

And 5. Boys expect girls to still look AMAZING and have perfect hair& makeup after they have had PE. That one is just unfair. At my school after swimming, we have around 8 minutes to get changed before next period starts! So NO boys, we will not have perfect makeup and hair after swimming because we have no time to dry it or to reapply the makeup we had on before PE!

Girls, take a break do some of these things the night before school starts to feel a little less anxious about going back:
1. Take a nice long bath with your favourite bath bomb, bath jelly, bath whatever... It really helps you feel relaxed
2. Go up to your room and get into your comfy pyjamas.
3. Light some candles and play some soft music.
4. Get that homework done! you may not want to, but it will relieve some stress knowing that you've done it.
5. chill out! 
Get some snacks, grab a book, and chill out in your room for a bit.
6. FACEMASK! I love facemasks the night before I go back to school, they clean your skin so that you are ready to start the day!
7. EAT. Eat everything you can find in your cupboards, Eat it all.
8. Stalk through Instagram, facebook, tumblr - It really kills time
9. Sort your outfit and pack your schoolbag so that you do not have to do it in the morning! 
10. Follow me on Instagram @fallingscoop :)

Okay I realise this was a VERY long blog post and my others will probably not be as long.... if you read it all, I love you so much for taking the time to read it. 

AnonScooper <3

Hello Blogging World!

Hey there!

This is my very first post and I am super excited to start writing here. This blog I am writing is completely anonymous so that I can write what I feel without being judged for my content, age or looks. :)
I am going to be writing mostly about life; life experiences, advice etc, but I will also post beauty, fashion and photography too.

If there is anybody out there reading this, if you like my blog and what I post, please feel free to comment and talk to others. I'm writing this blog not just for me and as an escape from everyday life to write my feelings, but also for any other teens that maybe need help or want advice, want fun tips, or are just bored! Also, feel free to comment suggestions for improvement of my blog or types of post. :)

I really do hope you guys out there like my blog, and I really do want to develop it over time, not just the design and content, but I would also like to get my own URL (not haha!

I will be posting something else today because I do not think this really counts as a post? ...okay maybe I just reallyyyyyy feel like posting something else today!

AnonScooper <3