Hello to the people out there that are actually reading this. If there is even one of you reading, I really wouldn't continue, unless you are prepared to put up with rants from an inactive antisocial girl who uses her blog as a chance to escape from reality when she's in one of those surreal moods.
Am I the only one who ever gets into this mood? You know, the mood late at night, usually once midnight has passed and you've just watched a romantic movie or listened to that happy music that's made you feel so... well its hard to explain. A mix of emotions. You feel all happy and excited and loved up. You feel like you can do anything. You suddenly get inspiration form all around you. And all you want to do is listen to cute music and snuggle up with the guy you love.... It sounds so perfect....And then just like that, the moment passes and you realise you have never been in love, and probably will not be anytime soon. If you are like me, and have NEVER had a boyfriend. Then join the club. I guess I may as well tell the truth on here considering it is..well..anonymous. I am one of those girls who just wants to fit in and have people like her and get a boyfriend. I'm one of those girls that acts all sophisticated and cool and indie on instagram...when really you'll most likely find me scooping ice cream out of the tub for the 5th time this evening.
The reason I am writing this. Well, I'm in one of those moods. The moods that only occur when you least expect it and feel like you can do anything. You can't stop these moods...And well you start to notice that if you do not take advantage of this time where you are actually motivated to do something, you definitely have to do it, no matter how crazy, weird or wonderful it is. The reason you if have to do it now (1am) is because you know for a fact that you will not have this motivation the next morning.
That's all for now I guess.
Thanks for reading although it really was not worth it...(again, just being truthful!)
bye guys xoxo